Search listings

Listed: Fri 21 Jul 2023

Garden-loving surfers (open to ANY beach town)

Bay of Plenty

Looking For:

Power connection No
Water connection No
Off-street Parking No
Pet Friendly Yes
Child Friendly No
Smokers No
WiFI Connection No
Private Location No

Listing Details

Kia Ora! We're Penny and Nate. Childhood sweethearts, now married in our late 30s. With our two dogs Mabel and Daisy, we're currently renting near Te Puna. We both have a background in the arts. We love Bay of Plenty, tiny homes, and yurts, and we'd like to get our living costs down and live off the land. We currently spend a lot of time helping our landlord with pruning his orchard and landscaping. I love gardening and baking bread for anyone who'll eat it! We both work from home and dream of making a permaculture garden or food forrest, if that's something that you'd like started on your land. So, I'm curious: Would you be open to a tiny home or yurt, a star-link for wifi (so we can work from home) a small hot tub or outdoor tub, and garden? We're flexible on all utilities, and could go solar. How long do you imagine you'd like to rent for? Would you ever be open to selling some or all of the land in the future? Thanks for taking a moment to dream with us. If it feels it might be a good fit, we'd be happy to zoom or chat on the phone and then come over for a visit. Also, our tiny home would take a couple months to build (or a yurt order would take a few weeks), so there would be a delay in the home arriving, but we could start work on the gardens before moving in. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! xo

Emily Penick

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